*1962, Graz; lived in Switzerland and Italy, finally again in Graz. Studies: History of Art, Philosophy, (1981-1988, Karl Franzens Universität, Graz), Restauration (1983-85, Istituto per l'Arte et il Restauro, Florence) Artist Groups: FOND (1991-98), TONTO (since 2000), founder of TONTO-COMICS (2000) Bands: BURNING (1998/99), LALELOO (Videos, 2002-2005), EXTOFITA (since 2005), RUED (since 2006) Grants: foreign scholarship in London (1996), Chicago (2000) Prizes: Kunstpreis der Stadt Graz (1999), Silicon Graphics Workshop (1998) Starting in the early 1990s main focus on printed (mass) media, film, found footage material and photos as source material: drawings and collages, publications, flyers, product design, acryl paintings; often presented in installations or performances. Often interactive, often as a contribution to a team (artist groups FOND, TONTO...). Hobbies: music (git., voc.), producing videoloops and animation. I consider myself as a graphic artist with a disposedness to narrative structures. As since quite a time my main interest goes to comics, I will focus on this topic in the following statement. ...the fact that most children start drawing when they learn to speak, points out that drawing must be a form of communication-tool...and if they don't stop drawing, when they get older (as most people do), they will start to turn towards some sort of abstraction by inventing grafic codes in their drawings, enrich them with text somtimes. In my case, the drawings became finally a language. Drawing in order to tell a story. Sequences. Comics. In 1999 I published my first comic book (The Diary). In the same year I started to teach comics in workshops. In 2000 I founded "tonto-comic" as a branch of the music label "tonto" (which was founded in 1992 by Helmut Kaplan, who is a comic-artist, too). Today Helmut Kaplan and me run Tonto-Comics together. Concerning the comics see the TONTO COMICS webpage. This, being publisher and drawing my own stuff, I guess, is the status quo. (2006) contact: edda_AT_mur.at |